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Laura Vater, MD
Laura B. Vater, MD, MPH
Ten Things Thriving Doctors Do
Many physicians are still thriving in an era of burnout and exhaustion in medicine. What are they doing differently? I've polled my...
Laura B. Vater, MD, MPH
Policy for Pregnant Residents to Protect Sleep & Fetal Health
In the spring of 2020, my former internal medicine program at the Indiana University School of Medicine drafted and instituted a new...
Laura B. Vater, MD, MPH
Having a Child in Medical School or Residency Training
I once asked a mentor before medical school, "When is the best time to have children as a woman in medicine?" Her answer was this: "There...
Laura B. Vater, MD, MPH
Protecting your Health, Relationships, & Life Beyond Your Career
A new attending reached out: “I’m struggling to balance my interest in medicine with time for my family, other interests outside of my...
Laura B. Vater, MD, MPH
In The Valley (published in JGIM)
Published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, April 2021 “Mommy, will you sing the valley song?” my three-year-old daughter...
Laura B. Vater, MD, MPH
12 Tips for Couples in Medicine
Making a relationship work in a medical career isn’t easy. Between long working hours, studying demands, not a lot of extra time, and...
Laura B. Vater, MD, MPH
Why Can't I Be Both a Good Doctor and a Good Mother? (MEDPAGE TODAY)
(Published on MedPage Today) I became a mom in medical school. I became a mom at a time when many people told me I shouldn't (or...
Laura B. Vater, MD, MPH
Exhaustion is not a competition
“I’m so tired,” my husband says. Meanwhile, I’m post-call and have been awake for 30 hours straight. I’ve admitted five patients, pronounced
Laura B. Vater, MD, MPH
Breastfeeding on the interview trail
I asked every residency program (in advance) for access to a lactation room. For some programs, it was the first time they had been asked...
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